
TrueTrain Registration

Simply click the button below to get started to a new level of expertise!

6 Complete Courses

With TrueTrain Registration

  • Medical Auditing

  • HCC / Risk Adjustment

  • CDI (Clinical Documentation Improvement)

  • Inpatient Coding

  • Compliance

  • AIQA (AI Quality Analyst)

BONUS – MentorPro for those that have the desire to help the next generation through Mentoring.

Courses begin March 18, 2024

Early preparation materials available March 4, 2024


Frequently Asked

+ Is the Fee monthly?

The initial registration is for one year. Renewals are not automatic so you do not need to be concerned about “recurring charges”. The renewals are at a reduced rate. As of February 2024 this is $30 however renewal fees are base on current market costs at the time of renewal. You will be invited to renew prior to your one year expiration.

** Courses have no expiration date. TrueTrain access is the only renewable access.

+ Is this HIPAA compliant?


Disclaimer for TrueTrain EMR

Use of Fictitious Data: Please be advised that tTrueTrain Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system is designed exclusively for training and educational purposes. It utilizes entirely fictitious patient data. No genuine Personal Health Information (PHI) is used within this system. All patient names, medical histories, and related personal details are entirely fictional and created for the purpose of simulation.

No Resemblance to Real Persons: We hereby clarify that any resemblance of the fictitious data in this EMR to actual persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental and unintentional. This system is not intended to represent or mimic any real individuals.

Precautions Against Coincidental Resemblance: Our team has taken every precaution to ensure that the fictitious data in this EMR does not inadvertently resemble any real persons. This includes the use of randomized data generation techniques and regular reviews of the content to prevent potential similarities.

No Inference of Real Data: Users of TrueTrain EMR must understand that no inference or assumption should be made regarding the authenticity of the data. The system is a learning tool only and should not be used as a reference for real patient information.

Responsibility of Users: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the fictitious data in TrueTrain EMR. Any misuse or inappropriate disclosure of the information contained within this system will be subject to disciplinary action.

By using TrueTrain EMR, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.

+ What if I have questions?

AAOMCP and TrueTrain offers live support 365 days a year. Simply open a chat and we will be happy to help.

+ Can scenarios be requested?

We love requests. Our daily patient Arthur Intel is always happy to have an encounter matching a request. Requests may be incorporated into other patient records added as well. Whatever it takes to elevate the skills of TrueTrain users, AAOMCP and TrueTrain make exhaustive efforts to provide.

+ Why is the cost so low?

The question that should be asked and answered is, why are others so high? SOme charges thousands for “courses” that have no live instructor and amount to slide decks and pdf documents that are simply arrangement of industry materials such as the major code sets, regulatory guidelines, payer policies, and industry standards.


Those that pay premium fees do so often without due diligence. Many hard working professionals  in the industry have paid excessively for mediocrity. Literally making individuals billionaires able to buy $40 million yachts and private jets.


Few fact check sensational claims such as success rates, salary statistics, or even reviews and complaints that are publically availqble.


AAOMCP advocates for  and supports Medical Coders and does not exploit them. AAOMCP has an A+ and 5 Star rating with the Better Business Bureau. Compared to 1-2 Stars of some other organizations.

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